
We—Nicky and Cynthia and our part-time producer, Claudia—research, report, and produce everything you hear (and see, here on the website) ourselves. We rely on listener support, so we need you to give if you can. If you enjoy what we’re doing and want to help us keep making the show you love, please donate today. Choose to make a donation that recurs monthly or annually, or select “Other” for a one-time gift or to set your monthly support at the level of your choice. Any amount makes a difference.

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Gastropod Donation Form

Donation Amount

In addition to our eternal gratitude, we’ve created some special rewards for you, to say thank you!

$5/month OR
$10/month OR
$20/month OR
Gastropod sticker
A spot at our annual Gastro-hang: an invitation-only virtual event with Cynthia and Nicky
Exclusive supporters email newsletter to accompany each episode, stuffed full of fascinating extras
Your name featured as a supporter on an upcoming episode
One special birthday shout-out, for you or a friend!

You can also pledge to support us per episode on Patreon (which also accepts PayPal payments).


To stop your monthly or yearly donation at any time, email us at contact AT gastropod DOT com and we will cancel it right away.

Can’t make a donation right now? There are many other great ways to support us.

Follow Us On Social

We’re mostly active on Instagram these days, but you can find us in all the regular spots!

Share With Friends

Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about Gastropod! A triple win: they get great listening material, you get to look like the culturally savvy, ahead-of-the-curve individual you are, and we get new listeners!

Review us

This is easy: give us some stars on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora, which helps us land on their front pages, so that other people can discover us.

Advertise with us

Podcasts are hot. And many advertisers—and analysts—say that advertising works particularly well on podcasts, because it’s such an intimate, personal format. Our listeners are an amazing group: curious, smart, passionate, committed, and growing. If you work for a company that might want to reach them, we’d love to talk with you. Listen to an example of the type of unique, brand-appropriate spot we craft with our sponsors and then get in touch by emailing us at contact AT gastropod DOT com.